Financial Tools
- Finance Basics
The Office of Accounting and Financial Management maintains a webpage devoted to covering the basics of UT finance. This self-paced training was rolled out in tandem with UT's switch to Workday's Human Capital Resource System. The training covers a LOT and includes PowerPoint presentations you can click through as quickly or as slowly as you want, along with narrated videos. If you're new to UT finance, it's worth checking out.
Word of warning: Get lots of sleep, make some strong coffee and gird your loins... this tombstone of training videos can feel a little draining, but again, it's worth diving into in order to get a sense of how things work around here.
- FRMS-Based Financial Tools
UT maintains a set of Financial tools to help monitor expenditures in accounts we oversee. When these tools launched initially, the only way to access them was via FRMS. Now there is more than one way to find them, but FRMS is still an easy access point.
These tools eliminate the need to scroll through transaction-level detail in *Define
...unless, of course, you actually enjoy that kind of thing... 🤔- The reports pull data from the Mainframe via *Define (which controls who can access reports)
- If you aren't able to use these tools, and believe your position warrants access, please contact us.
Click on the categories below for access links, as well as additional info about using these reports. - Accordion 3Panel 3. Add body text in this space.
- Accordion 4Panel 4. Add body text in this space.
- Accordion 5Panel 5. Add body text in this space.