Proposal Services

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What We Do
- Serve as Liaison between applicant and Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP)
- Prepare and circulate Liberal Arts Grants Digest. Subscribe here!
- Assist with proposal preparation and submission
- Step External Fellowships through OSP
- Tailor assistance to PI and funding opportunity
- Build sponsor and university compliant budgets and budget narratives
- Monitor applications through and after submission
- Assist with budget and agreement revisions, etc.
- Partner with OVPR and UT Foundation Relations on PI application support
- Ensure PI and application are in compliance with current policies and procedures
Proposal Submission Process
- All faculty members, students and researchers in CoLA units and departments without in-house dedicated research administrative personnel are to route proposals, applications, subcontracts, grants, fellowships, and sponsored contracts, awards and cooperative agreements through the CoLA Research Support Office (RSO) within the Office of Research. The RSO Proposal Services team will coordinate submission through the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) or other subsequent central office. Please note: CoLA faculty and students are NOT to contact OSP directly.
- To initiate proposal assistance, please submit the online Research Intake Form (RIF). Please note: Do NOT initiate proposal assistance directly with individuals on the RSO team. This ensures requests will not be overlooked and allows for effective backup service when members of the RSO team are out of office.
- Proposal documents should be submitted to the RSO Specialist assigned to the proposal and should conform to the timeline outlined on the RSO Proposal Development Timeline or the tailored timeline sent to you by your RSO Specialist. Failure to adhere to this timeline could result in a late proposal submission, or a submission that contains documents that have not been reviewed for compliance. The CoLA Office of Research and the Senior Associate Dean of Research reserve the right to refuse submission depending on compliance or other issues.
- Proposals that circumvent the above process and structure will eventually be routed to the RSO to be processed as 'backdoor awards.' Backdoor awards are after-the-fact agreements that require a two-layer proposal and agreement process within OSP Pre-Awards and Contracts teams prior to approval. These awards often face a significantly extended review process by OSP and could result in the university being unable to accept the award.
- For information on Faculty Fellowships, visit the CoLA CORS External Faculty Fellowships resource, which includes pre-submission instructions, guidelines, policy and step-by-step processing and set up assistance.
- All PIs/Co-PIs, including Grad Student PIs of Record on a project must have completed their Conflict of Interest / Financial Interest Disclosure (FID) or must have an up-to-date FID on file prior to funds from an approved award being set up in an account. There are no exceptions to this policy.
- Budget Templates
Budget Templates
The following templates can be downloaded, filled out and emailed to as part of your proposal development.
- RSO Budget Builder (xlsx) - New! A simple list of anticipated project costs (without calculations)
This template is ideal for anyone who prefers to avoid spreadsheets and formulas!
- Click & Enter Basic Budget (xlsx) - COMING SOON! Build a basic budget (without having to deal with calculations and formulas). This template features a set of hotlinked steps to help fill in the budget basics.
- Faculty Budget (xlsx)
- Faculty Budget Justification (docx)
- DDRIG Budget (xlsx)
- DDRIG Budget Justification (docx)
- RSO Budget Builder (xlsx) - New! A simple list of anticipated project costs (without calculations)
- Other Templates - Coming Soon!
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Who We Are
- Brook Davis, Manager of Proposal Services
- Sheena Moore, Grants Administrator
For all requests, please contact RSO Proposal Services at
Check out our proposal services playlist on youtube!
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