*Main Modules
The 2 lists below show summaries of the basic modules (split between info-only & processing) that are most useful in Research Administration. The specific CA3, GMM and VMM links head into these modules in greater detail.
- Account & Award Management Modules
CA3 9 Screens of Account details: Input 8-digit budget group number (acct#) in Account field on Command line to see full project title, which travel rules apply, subaccount descriptions & pooled subaccount details, re-budget allowability notes, reporting requirements, sponsor contact info, equipment disposal instructions, special circumstances, etc. This module holds a lot of account set-up detail that ties into the executed award documents in UTRMS. GB1 Screen 1 Provides Account Status details: Input full 10-digit account number in Account field on Command line to see details about a specific subaccount, such as the responsible individual and unit (aka administrator, usually a chair or director), authorized manual document signers, current status of the account, date of last action, approved overdraft status, IDC rate. GB2 Screen 1 Provides Account Budget details: Input 8-digit budget group number (acct#) in Account field on Command line to see current state of the budget, total expenditures to date, total encumbrances and free balance - all displayed by subaccount. In the case of more than 10 subaccounts, hit enter to see the second screen. At the bottom of the subaccounts is the total budget, expenditures, encumbrances and free balance. This screen is useful for creating and maintaining projections either monthly or across semesters. GG1 State of Texas Travel Maximum Allowances: This is a database of maximum allowable lodging and per diem rates per city, both domestic and international, that also shows busy and less busy travel seasons based on time frames. Note: These rates are different from UT Austin's travel maximums. Use CA3 to determine which rules to use, or contact OSP post-award specialist if not clear. GG3 Employee/Student/UT Vendor Directory by Name Order: Typically associated with purchasing needs and/or payment requests. Shows active employment status for UT employees. For vendors, indicates whether or not a Payee Information Form (PIF) is on file, and/or if there are any holds on their vendor status due to issues with non-payment of compliance. A similar hold is indicated for students with unresolved issues. GG4 Employee/Student/UT Vendor Directory by EID or Vendor ID: Helpful when you already have the EID or ID and need to look up contact details. Shows active employment status for UT employees. For vendors, indicates whether or not a Payee Information Form (PIF) is on file, and/or if there are any holds on their vendor status due to issues with non-payment of compliance. A similar hold is indicated for students with unresolved issues. GG5 Main & Sub Unit Codes in Numerical order: Input 4-digit main unit code in Misc. field of Command line. This is a fast and helpful way to find specific individual PI unit codes when you already know the main unit code of a department, center or institute. GG8 Object Codes in Numerical Order: Input 4-digit object code in Misc. field of Command line to look up details about object codes. Input the exact object code needed, if known, or input the top of a series, such as 1200 to display all object codes that fall under that series. Input any character to the left of an object code in the displayed list to see full title and key words that describe the kind of expenses allowable for that code. GG9 Object Codes in Keyword Order: Use the Misc. field of the Command line to search for object codes based on the main purpose, such as 'travel' as opposed to 'student travel.' Start with an overarching theme and then drill down into the options displayed. There are a lot of repetitive names, such as 'travel,' or 'travel-in-state,' so it's important to select each of them to find the one that truly allows the type of expense you're after. This way, in the case of processing payments, you avoid having a request returned due to object code issues. GO7 Object Codes Permitted on Each Subaccount per Voucher Type: Input 8-digit budget group number in Account field on Command line. Input any character to the left of the account you want to see. Group type shows the name of the Object Code Group, which is a pre-arranged grouping of object codes designed for use-of-use by post-award specialists during initial account set-up. The brief title describes overarching allowable expenses and disallowed categories, followed by the list of object codes displayed by voucher type. If you get an error when processing payment re object group not allowed/included in account --this is where you can check on whether it's in there or not and follow up with the post-award specialist. GT1 Transaction Level Detail within a Subaccount by Date: Input 10-digit account number to display list of transactions in a particular year and month. Be sure to clear out the Misc. field in the Command line, as that can sometimes interfere with what *Define pulls up. The transactions in GT1 can be difficult to understand. Use the 2-layer guide above the list to understand the categories displayed, including (across line 1) record date, voucher number, description, object code, amount, status, and (across line 2) document ID, dept transaction number, purchase order number, check number, tax code, and process date. YB2 Your (in)Box in *Define: Any time you have documents in your *Define inbox, the YB2 screen will be what shows up after you log in and hit enter past the Good Morning screen. You can also access it by typing in YB2 in the Command line. This is where anything you are working lives so you can access and continue processing. This is also where any FYI courtesy copy documents will stay, as well as any documents that are forwarded to you specifically for approval (FYA) - which is an action item that you need to act on as an approver. You can delete documents from your YB2 (DEL in the Command line) or discard copies (DIS) that are no longer needed. - Transactional & Processing Modules
GGV Vendor ID Requests: This is how you create a vendor ID in UT's financial system. This is done only after you have a completed Payee Information Form (PIF). NOTE: the GGV module is the only one that you cannot search for once a request has been approved off your desk. The Purchasing Office maintains a GGV Tips document. LR2 List of Subaccounts with Unreconciled Transactions: This is the starting point for reconciling transactions in subaccounts on a monthly basis. This module works together with LR3 as an interface for reconciling transactions. LR3 List of Unreconciled Transactions per Account Number: This is the screen that displays all unreconciled transactions in a particlar subaccount. There are multiple options for expanded details about the transactions, or for reconciling them within a department-level ledger, or only within the Office of Accounting ledger reports. There is also an online Expense Account Certification tool that accomplishes account reconciliation. VC1 Cash Receipt Voucher for Departments: This is how we put money back into an account, such as in the case of someone receiving an overpayment and needing to return funds to the university. Or someone at the department might receive a check that needs to be deposited, usually connected to research support gift funds or similar. The VC1 creates a voucher trail for the cash deposit. Once the VC1 is approved, the funds are delivered to the Bursar. VE5 Request for Travel Authorization: This is the authorization form that gets submitted for all employee and student travel, as well as some non-employee travel. The account identified in the RTA dictates the routing path. VE6 Correction to Travel Authorization: Travel plans change and those changes need to be reflected in the travel authorization, otherwise, there will be issues with the reimbursement phase, such as in cases when destinations don't match receipts and invoices, dates of trip are different from dates of incurred costs, or the travel purpose doesn't gel with the request. You can also add other accounts to VE6s when you want travel funds to be encumbered. VP1 Purchase Order Payment Request: Very similar to the VP2, this form allows you to process payment of an invoice that is associated with an active purchase order (PO). The PO number is included on the invoice, when you input the PO# in the VP1, it automatically pulls in details related to the purchase request, such as vendor name and address, service dates, it even tracks the number of set payments, if applicable. VP2 Service Payment Voucher: Similar to the VP1, this is how we process payments for goods and services upon receiving invoices from vendors that have been set up in our financial system. Vendors can be private companies, individuals, and other universities --which is often the case when processing payments for external subaward teams. VP5 Travel Payment Voucher: This is the form used for UT travel reimbursment. VP5s are electronically linked to the travel authorizations by way of the RTA# contained in the VE5 and/or VE6. The VP5 automatically generates details of the travel from the most current VE5/VE6, including date ranges, destinations and account numbers (though you're able to add account numbers that weren't included in the travel authorization). The account number(s) covering costs determine the routing of VP5s for approval. VPE Entertainment Payment Vouchers: Entertainment payments cover a host of things, from meals and space rental, to flower delivery and bottled water serivce, as well as other low-level gifts (for approved activities). VPE vouchers must have an accompanying OOEF (Official Occasion Expense Form). The university and colleges have their respective entertainment policies that must be adhered to when seeking reimbursement for entertainment expenses. These types of expenses are usually not allowable on sponsored research projects, though there are exceptions. Always check first! VT6 IDT Correction of Charges: IDT = InterDepartmental Transfer. This voucher is how we process transaction corrections in accounts, moving charges from one account to another. To process these, you first need to know the document ID or voucher # to input in order to pull the relevant details into the correction request. The kind of transactions that can be corrected in this way are materials and supplies, equipment, travel, consultants. VT6 vouchers canNOT be used for Workday corrections: salary & fringe, nor can they be used for tuition charges or other FRMS-based payments. YB2 Your (in)Box in *Define: Any time you have documents in your *Define inbox, the YB2 screen will be what shows up after you log in and hit enter past the Good Morning screen. You can also access it by typing in YB2 in the Command line. This is where anything you are working lives so you can access and continue processing. This is also where any FYI courtesy copy documents will stay, as well as any documents that are forwarded to you specifically for approval (FYA) - which is an action item that you need to act on as an approver. You can delete documents from your YB2 (DEL in the Command line) or discard copies (DIS) that are no longer needed. - The ONLY Modules You Need
Informational:, YB2,,,,,,,,,,
Action item:, , , VT6
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