This resource is for assistance with the online Contracts+ tool used to process service agreement requests that route to the university's Business Contracts Office for contract creation and execution. For help with contract requests without access to Contracts+, head to Contract Process Assistance.
- Contracts+ System Overview
Contracts+ is an electronic contract management system currently used by Business Contracts Office (BCO). BCO allows user access to the Contracts+ platform, depending on approval from LA Finance. After being granted access and attending CoLA-specific training, appointed users will be able to:
- Review status of contract submitted to the BCO;
- Report on contracts currently in-effect within your CSU;
- Enforce important contract terms, such as dates and deliverables;
- Report on your upcoming contract expirations or renewals;
- Have increased transparency into campus-wide contracts with a specific vendor or customer.
The Contracts+ system provides the following direct benefits to campus:- Effectively replacing the Business Contracts Review Checklist and submission email with an online request form. This will shorten the time required for processing contracts.
- Contracts+ will also provide ad-hoc reporting capabilities along with automated notifications regarding the expiration and renewal of contracts.
- Ability to search the Business Contracts repository for previous agreements with outside parties for all departments of the University.
- Transparency into the request review, approval, and contract execution process by contract requestors, contract managers, and other stakeholders.
- In the future, Contracts+ will be used to automate the drafting of agreements on University approved templates, incorporating the data gathered by the online request form directly into the agreement templates available in the system.
For additional questions regarding Contracts+, contact LA Finance (Business Affairs) Team. - Contracts+ Training
- Contracts+ SYSTEM Step-Through Video (opens in new tab)
Click here for --> Contract Processing help (all the research-friendly content you're gonna need)
- CoLA-specific sessions can be arranged via CoLA Contracts+ POC, Amber Tucker.
- UT's Business Contracts Office maintains some guidance that can be accessed via Shared Box Folders.
If logged into your UT Box Profile, you can download these documents.
- Create a Contract Request (opens in new tab)
- Approving a Contract Request (opens in new tab)
- Create a Contract Request (opens in new tab)
- Contracts+ SYSTEM Step-Through Video (opens in new tab)
- Additional Training Resources
The Contracts+ Payment Tracker is a way for Contracts+ users to track payments associated with contracts.
Only approved Contracts+ users will be able to use this tool.
- BCO announcement re: Contracts+ Payment Tracker Tool (plus additional roll-out details)
- *Define-Connected eBITS Contracts+ Payment Tracking Information
- Contracts+ Payment Tracker Glossary
- BCO announcement re: Contracts+ Payment Tracker Tool (plus additional roll-out details)
- CoLA Contracts+ Official POCs
As part of UT and CoLA contracts policy, each department/unit may have a designated representative (either officially authorized for direct processing, or designated within the unit to assist with CoLA-processing) who serves as the single-point for contract requests.
Check with your dept/unit before moving forward.
Below is a list of units identified as having their own contracts POCs.This list is not exhaustive - check with your unit if not listed below. If there is no designated contracts POC, the PI or admin should submit the contract request to CoLA Dean's Office Central Team via the online form.
Department/Unit Authorized Contracts POC Unit Contracts POC Unit Policy African & African Diaspora Studies Tony Araguz
Contracts ManagerArt Galleries at Black Studies Alex Codlin Center for Perceptual Systems Jessica Perea Department of Anthropology Thomas Fawcett
Contracts ManagerDepartment of Economics Kevin Carney
Kate HardinResources & Contact Info Department of Geography & The Environment Teal Reid
Contracts ManagerDepartment of Government Katie Beth Willis Department of History Martha Gonzalez
Contracts ManagerDepartment of Linguistics Erica Alvarez
Contracts ManagerDepartment of Psychology Maureen McConnell
Lindsay MurphyPSYC Business Office Policy Department of Slavic & Eurasian Studies Roy Flores
Contracts ManagerInstitute of Latin American Studies Middle Eastern Studies Greg Levine MES Forms & Policies Population Research Center Meghan Tantum
Mason FiebrichBusiness Contracts Process Dean's Office - Central Contracts Team Amber Tucker
Zeinab Al Zuhairi (backup)Business Affairs Forms - Accordion 5Panel 5. Add body text in this space.