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The University of Texas at Austin

UT Travel Info for Researchers

Below are briefly outlined topics that impact UT travel on Sponsored Awards. Please ensure you are communicating clearly in advance with your unit/dept travel coordinator. Please let us know if you have questions or need clarification.

  • Clear Separation of UT & Personal Travel

    Official UT, non-UT and personal travel often intersect. We are required to clarify all purposes of travel in terms of location, timing and expenditures. Please communicate all purposes clearly to your unit travel contact, including specific dates and name of event(s), such as for a conference, workshop or meeting.

    • Separate purposes include non-UT destinations (nearby or further away) during, before and/or after official UT travel.
    • It is allowable and reimbursible to arrive up to 1 day before official event and stay up to 1 day after.
      • Anything earlier or later requires a documented purpose other than the event-related travel, or proof of savings to the university regarding discounts -comparison must include all related costs, such as lodging and per diem combined next to the decrease in airfare, for example.
    • Sponsored project travel must tie directly and specifically to one or more of the deliverables outlined in the statement of work for the project.
      • Use of sponsored funds to cover travel requires project-specific business reason to be the main purpose of travel - the most clear way to express this is in number of days associated with each purpose.
      • Extended personal travel should be arranged separately to avoid even the appearance of use of sponsored funds for personal gain, as well as a potential ruling of impropriety in the event of an audit.
  • Alternative Modes of Transportation

    Use of alternative modes of transportation, such as driving a personally-owned vehicle or travel by train instead of flying, must represent a savings to the university.

    • There are guidelines to be followed regarding how to gain authorization, account for, and seek reimbursement for atypical travel situations.
      • Please communicate these kinds of plans clearly and well in-advance to your unit travel contact
  • Only Official Travelers Eligible for Reimbursement

    Companion travel is not reimbursible* unless the companion also has official UT travel status for the same business purpose. Lodging occupancy priced (and taxed) on a per person basis can only include individuals in official university travel status.

    • *This includes event banquet costs charged on a per person basis.
  • Biz/First Class Requires COACH Comparison AT TIME of BOOKING

    If booking business or first class airfare, in order to be reimbursed, you must obtain a date-stamped exact apples-to-apples coach itinerary ON THE SAME DAY as booking.

    • Be sure to communicate this situation to your unit travel contact well in advance of booking.
      • It is imperative that you coordinate with your unit travel contact to ensure they have enough time to obtain the necessary flight comparison. 
    • Please do not attempt to supply your own flight comparisons unless obtained via the university's online travel tool, Concur (which supplies emailed, date-stamped official itineraries) or one of the official university travel agents (which also supply emailed, date-stamped official itineraries).
  • Other Travel Info: Upgrades, Discounts, Etc.

    Be Aware of Booking BASIC Economy & 3rd party Online Non-Refundable Itineraries

    Basic economy means no seat-selection, reduced carry-on allowances, and no changes allowed. On-line lower cost airfare is usually discounted because it is non-refundable and changes incur additional costs. Know before you book.

    Seating & Class Upgrades, Early Onboarding, Baggage Fees, Other Options 

    Upgrades and optional services are not reimbursable, including for hotel, airfare and other transportation costs. Additional and overweight baggage fees are only reimbursable for business related needs.
    Exception: Southwest Airline's EarlyBird Check-in fee is reimbursable on local (sponsored and gift funds -not state funds). Internet/Telephone service costs must be incurred only for UT business.

    Reimbursing Airfare Originating in Non-Headquarters Location

    If a traveler needs to book airfare to a UT business-related destination, and the itinerary is to originate from a location different from traveler's home base (headquarters), a comparison airfare must be obtained AT TIME OF BOOKING that shows similar itinerary and cost from home base. Reimbursement is limited to the lesser of the two itineraries. Be sure to communicate this to your unit travel coordinator in advance of booking.

    Expenses Incurred while Qualifying for Discount Airfare

    When an employee stays extra days at a duty point to qualify for discount airfare, employee may be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred if additional expenses plus discount airfare are less than or equal to the average coach airfare. It must be in the best interest of the University to allow employee to be absent for the extra days. The extra days may occur before or after the official business.

    Using Gift Cards, Mileage or Other Rewards Programs

    Travelers may only be reimbursed for expenses that show proof of payment. If a gift card or other means of discount is applied to a bill, proof of purchase of gift card or other means of discount must be shown in order to be eligible for reimbursement of that amount. Airfare purchased with personally-gained mileage is not eligible for reimbursement. 

    Texas-based Lodging EXEMPT from Occupancy Tax

    State employees are exempt from Texas state hotel occupancy taxes. Traveler must present hotel with completed exemption certificate (<--PDF partially completed-just sign and go!) prior to finalizing invoice. If hotel refuses to honor certificate, traveler will be reimbursed the tax, then notify state comptroller about hotel's refusal. Employees are not exempt from county or municipal hotel occupancy taxes.