College of Liberal Arts
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Economy, Society & Inequality

The ESI Working Group for PhD students is inclusive both substantively and methodologically. Our primary goal is to build an intellectual community for the sociological study of economic activities and the causes/consequences of economic inequalities. We view inequality from an intersectional perspective that can include, gender, race, ethnicity, immigration status, disability, and sexual orientation, as well as social class position or background . We welcome ideas and projects with more traditional methods but also projects with data, techniques, or methods that are distinctively innovative.

Stratification, economic sociology, organization, occupation, and work are some of the largest areas of sociology that also sit at the core of our discipline.

The group meets twice a month. The meetings focus on developing research projects from an early stage to publication. In coordination with the department, we will also invite guest speakers to give talks and workshops. All activities will be organized through Canvas.

If you would like to join, please send Kim Pernell your name and EID.