The Norval Glenn Prize

Photo by Marsha Miller
Remembering Norval Glenn
Norval D. Glenn, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, who taught for 47 years at The University of Texas at Austin, died February 15, 2011, after a two-year battle with myelodysplastic syndrome, a form of blood cancer. He was 77 years old. He was a valued friend and colleague.
In recognition of this wonderful scholar and to honor his many contributions to the field of family sociology, the Department of Sociology is pleased to announce an effort to raise funds for The Norval Glenn Prize. Funds will be used to award a financial prize to The University of Texas at Austin graduate student with the best paper in the area of family sociology. Awards will be made annually while funds are available. We hope you will consider joining us by making a contribution to this fund.

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Make a Gift Online
Click the link, make sure "Sociology" in the "Sub Department" drop-down menu under Liberal Arts is selected, and, in the text box at the bottom of the page, write your donation is for the "Norval Glenn Prize." Complete the rest of the form as directed.
To make a gift by check, please write your check to The University of Texas at Austin, for The Norval Glenn Prize, and mail to: Department of Sociology, Attn: Julie Kniseley, The University of Texas at Austin, 305 E 23rd St, A1700, Austin, Texas 78712.
If you have any questions about the award, please feel free to contact Julie Kniseley at (512) 232-6305 or by email at