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Health and Safety

Campus Health and Safety Resources


Title IX Office 512-471-0419

Student Emergency Services 512-471-5017 

  • Helps students and their families during difficult or emergency situations including: academic difficulties, family emergency, interpersonal violence, medical or mental health emergency
  • Source for student emergency funds
  • Provides referrals within the University and in the Austin area when necessary

Behavior Concerns Advice Line  512-232-5050   

  • Allows members of the University community to discuss their concerns about an individual’s behavior
  • Offers a centralized resource that is available twenty-four hours a day for anyone who is not sure how to help
  • Operates as a partnership between the Office of the Dean of Students, the Counseling and Mental Health Center, the Employee Assistance Program, and the University of Texas Police Department

Campus Confidential Advocates 512-232-2860

  • Serves as an advocate for students to answer questions, discuss reporting options, assist with accommodations
  • Not a mandatory reporter; you do not have to file a Title IX report to access this service
  • Provides referrals within the University and in the Austin area when necessary

Student Conduct and Academic Integrity 512-471-2841 

  • Provides student conduct process for university policy violations
  • Provides referrals within the University and in the Austin area when necessary

University of Texas Police Department 512-471-4441 (non-emergency number)

  • Dial 911 in emergency
  • Where you file criminal reports
  • Offers crime prevention presentations
  • Publishes crime statistics information including those as required by the Cleary Act

Counseling and Mental Heather Center 512-471-3515 (CMHC is for students)

  • Offers short-term individual and group counseling sessions
  • Provides advocacy services about safety, legal, housing, academic, and medical options
  • Offers twenty-four-hour telephone crisis line at 512-471-CALL (512-471-2255)
  • Services for survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking
  • Provides opportunities for student involvement in programming throughout the academic year
  • Provides training that is customized for faculty, staff and/or students
  • Manages Voices Against Violence Survivor Emergency Fund

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 512-471-3366  (EAP is for faculty/staff)

  • EAP provides confidential short-term counseling sessions, crisis intervention, and assessment and referral from experienced licensed psychologists and social workers
  • If it is after normal business hours and you are in crisis, you can reach the after-hours counseling service at 512-471-3399 to speak to a crisis counselor

Human Resource Service Center 512-471-HRSC or (800) 687-4178 

  • Insurance and benefits coordinators
  • Look up Sociology Department's current HR Representative for Benefits and Leave Management.

Faculty Ombuds Office 512-471-5866 & Student Ombuds Office 512-4713825

  • Provides a neutral, impartial, and confidential environment for faculty or students to voice concerns
  • Provides information and guidance for University-related questions or complaints
  • Functions as an independent and informal resource to help students with concerns, problem-solving, conflict resolution
  • Advocates for fair and equitably administered processes – does not side with individuals or the University

The following are recommendations regarding emergency procedures from the Department of Operational Safety and Compliance:

  • Occupants of buildings on campus are required to evacuate buildings when a fire alarm is activated. Alarm activation or announcement requires exiting and assembling outside.
  • Familiarize yourself with all exit doors of each classroom and building you may occupy. Remember that the nearest exit door may not be the one you used when entering the building.
  • Students requiring assistance in evacuation shall inform their instructor in writing during the first week of class.
  • In the event of an evacuation, follow the instruction of faculty or class instructors.
  • Do not re-enter a building unless given instructions by the following: Austin Fire Department, The University of Texas at Austin Police Department, or Fire Prevention Services office.
  • Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL): (512) 232-5050
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