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Travel/Purchasing Guidelines and Department Forms

  • Faculty and Post-Doc Travel Requests

    Travel authorization requests and all related paperwork must be submitted and approved BEFORE you leave.  Please note that depending on your situation, you may need to submit several forms to complete the travel authorization process.  Classes should not be cancelled due to instructor travel.

    Travel Authorization Requests

    • All official travel requires the submission of a travel authorization request (RTA).  Official travel means you will be engaging in work related to your position and/or you will receive a reimbursement for your expenses.
    • The Travel Authorization Form is here, under Expense Requests:
    • If you are being reimbursed by any UT account, you do not have to enter the account number, but you do need to provide a brief description of the account you’d like to use (e.g., start–up, overhead return, NSF, ELDP). If another institution or group is paying for your travel, select "No Cost to UT.
    • When the form is complete, select continue at the bottom of the page, then assign it to Linguistics Travel

    Restricted Regions Requests

    • Travel to certain international locations requires additional approval.   If you are traveling to one of these restricted regions, you must submit a Restricted Region Travel Request by the due date listed on their site.  No late requests are allowed.
    • You cannot be reimbursed for travel to a Restricted Region unless you have received advance approval from the International Oversight Committee in the International Office for such travel.
      • Restricted Regions List
    • Faculty/Staff Restricted Regions Request: 
    1. Please make sure that you are using the updated version of the Restricted Regions request form.

      • Each traveler needs to complete the forms. This includes providing an in-depth justification for travel.
    2. Send forms to Erica Alvarez to route for signatures, do not sign the forms.
    3. Traveler will receive a copy of the signed documents.
    4. Traveler will receive the IOC approval letter, send this letter to Erica Alvarez to move forward with the TAR.

    Faculty Travel Grants

    Travel Cash Advances

    • Travel cash advances are available for travelers who plan to pay for extraneous research needs during their travel. 
    • A cash advance is required if you expect to have any of the following expenses on your trip:
      • Payments to consultants, translators, or any third party payment (including payment of travel or entertainment costs for anyone other than yourself)
      • Purchase of equipment, supplies, or program expenses 
      • Payment for non-commercial lodging
    • Requests submitted less than 10 days in advance will be automatically denied.  However, you should aim to submit your request 30 days in advance because it often takes a full month for the request to be approved and the funds to be released.
    • See cash advance procedure here.

    Travel Reimbursements

    • If you are requesting a reimbursement for your travel expenses, complete a Travel Reimbursement Request (TRR) as soon as your trip is over.   *If you received a cash advance for your trip, skip this step and follow the cash advance reconciliation instructions here.
    • Travel Reimbursement Request form is here, under Expense Requests:
    • Upload your receipts at the top of the page and use “Add expense type” box to detail each expense.  
    • Receipts are required for all travel expenses except your meals (list your per diem amount, up to the limit of $51/day) and ground transportation within a city (such as a taxi ride from the airport to your hotel).
    • When the form is complete, select continue at the bottom of the page, then assign it to Linguistics Travel.


    All reimbursement requests (travel, meals, or purchases) must be submitted and final approved within 60 days.   The Dean’s Office will no longer approve any late reimbursement requests.  The COLA Central Business Services page has additional information about employee travel here.

  • Student Travel Requests

    Travel authorization requests and all related paperwork must be submitted and approved BEFORE you leave.  Please note that depending on your situation, you may need to submit several forms to complete the travel authorization process.

    Travel Authorization Requests 

    • A Travel Authorization Request (sometimes called TAR or RTA) is required if any of these descriptions apply to your travel:
      • You are an employee (TA, AI, GRA) who will be employed during any of your travel dates
      • You are conducting official travel (i.e., you will be completing work, attending a professional conference, or conducting research related to your degree or position)
      • You will be requesting a reimbursement for any of your travel expenses
    • The Travel Authorization Form is here, under Expense Requests:
    • If you are being reimbursed by any UT account (including a grant account), provide a brief description of the account you’d like to use (e.g., Dr. Smith's NSF, my ELDP).
 If your travel is being funded by a professional development award or other fellowship, or if your travel is being paid for by an institution or group outside of UT, select "No Cost to UT.” It is rare that you will select the 3rd party reimbursement option.
    • When the form is complete, select continue at the bottom of the page, then assign it to Linguistics Travel.  If you cannot access the form or do not have Linguistics Travel as an option, contact Erica Alvarez.   
    • After your TAR is approved, if you need to book your flights via UT's travel agency, visit this page:

    * Otherwise you can book your flights on your own, after the TAR is approved. 

    International Travel Request Authorization

    Restricted Regions Requests

    Travel to certain international locations requires additional approval.   If you are traveling to one of these restricted regions, you must submit a Restricted Region Travel Request by the due date listed on the site.  No late requests will be approved.

    • You cannot be reimbursed for travel to a Restricted Region unless you have received advance approval from the International Oversight Committee in the International Office for such travel.
    • Restricted Regions List
    1. Please make sure that you are using the updated version of the Restricted Regions request form and COVID-19 travel waiver.
      •  Each traveler needs to complete the forms. This includes providing an in-depth justification for travel and signing both forms.
    2. Send the unsigned forms to Ben Rapstine to route for signature.
    3. Traveler will receive a copy of the signed documents.
    4. Traveler will receive the IOC approval letter and send to Ben Rapstine to move forward with the TAR.


     Travel Cash Advances

    • Travel cash advances are available for travelers who will be paying for extraneous research needs during their travel. 
    • A cash advance is required if you expect to have any of the following expenses on your trip:
      • Payments to consultants, translators, or any third party payment (including payment of travel or entertainment costs for anyone other than yourself)
      • Purchase of equipment, supplies, or program expenses 
      • Payment for non-commercial lodging
    • Requests submitted less than 10 days in advance will be automatically denied.  However, you should aim to submit your request 30 days in advance because it often takes a full month for the request to be approved and the funds to be released.
    • If you are not employed during the entirety of your trip, your cash advance will be released to the PI listed on your project.  In this case, it is your responsibility to obtain permission from your PI to get a cash advance in his/her name and to arrange transfer of funds from the PI to your account.
    • See the Travel Cash Advance section below for details on how to request a cash advance and what you'll need to submit when you return 

    Travel Reimbursements

    • If you will be requesting a reimbursement for your travel expenses, you will request the reimbursement by submitting a Travel Reimbursement Request (TRR).  *If you received a cash advance for your trip, skip this step and follow the cash advance reconciliation instructions here.
    • Travel Reimbursement Request form is here, under Expense Requests:
    • Upload your receipts at the top of the page and use “Add expense type” box to detail each expense.  
    • Receipts are required for all travel expenses except your meals (list your per diem amount, up to the limit of $51/day) and ground transportation within a city (such as a taxi ride from the airport to your hotel).  
    • When the form is complete, select continue at the bottom of the page, then assign it to Linguistics Travel.   
    • Please note, if your travel is being supported by a Professional Development Award, you do not need to submit a reimbursement request.  PDAs are paid as a fellowship payment, and you should receive the payment 1-2 weeks after the fellowship committee notifies you of the award.


    All reimbursement requests (travel, meals, or purchases) must be submitted and final approved within 60 days.   The Dean’s Office will no longer approve any late reimbursement requests.  The COLA Central Business Services page has additional information about employee travel here.

  • Cash Advances

    Travel/Research Cash Advance Procedure

    • Faculty should complete a Cash Advance Request Survey to submit the request for funds (check with Erica Alvarez first if you don’t know your account number).

    *Make sure to select the option that sends a copy to Erica Alvarez.

    *Dates must be FUTURE dates. You cannot submmit forms for past dates. Date of submission is at least 10 days in advance (e.g. if check date is 01/01/202X  you would need to submit the request 12/22/202X and your cash advance period would be 01/01/202X through 06/01/202X).

    • Due to the extended processing time for cash advances, requests should be submitted 30 days in advance of the date the funds are needed.  Requests submitted less than 10 business days in advance will be denied. 
    • Keep receipts for all purchases and payments.
      • Receipts should be itemized and show that the expense has been paid ($0 due). 
      • Payments to consultants require individual receipts.  You can purchase a receipt book for this purpose.   Receipts should include: name of the consultant, date, description of services, and consultant’s signature.
      • The only expenses that do not require receipts are your personal meal expenses and ground transportation within a city.
    • Keep a log of all purchases
      • The log should be a spreadsheet that includes date, amount, curency used, and a brief description of the charge. 
      • Items that do not require a receipt will still need to be listed on the expense log.  Per diem amount (max of $51/day) can be listed as one line item showing dates for which you are requesting a per diem and the total amount you are requesting.
      • The total on the spreadsheet should match the actual amount spent. 
    • Submit your receipts and expense log
      • Cash advance documentation is due within two weeks of your return (or the end date on your cash advance request for advances that do not involve travel).
      • You will be expected to return any unused portion of the funds you received by writing a check to the university.   If you spent more than you received in your cash advance, you may be eligible to request a reimbursement depending on the expenses claimed, the account used, and whether there are any funds available.
      • All receipts presented must be within the dates noted on the cash advance. Any expenses prior to, or after the dates noted on the cash advance may be disallowed.
      • Submit your receipts and spreadsheet by email to Erica Alvarez.

    Reconciliation Procedure

    • Reconciliation back-up needs to be submitted within two weeks after the cash advance is due. Submit the back-up to Erica Alvarez. 
    • Use theSummary Reconciliation Sheet to document payments of more than $600 per calendar year to individual research subjects and survey participants.  The Individual Receipt Form should be accompanied by the Summary Reconciliation Sheet.
    • The Multiple Participant Receipt Form should be used to document payments of less than $600 per calendar year to individual research subjects and survey participants.
    • You will be expected to return any unused portion of the funds you received by writing a check to the university.   If you spent more than you received in your cash advance, you may be eligible to request a reimbursement depending on the expenses claimed, the account used, and the availability of funds.
    • All receipts presented must be within the dates noted on the cash advance. Any expenses prior to, or after the dates noted on the cash advance may be disallowed.
  • Purchasing Requests

     To request the purchase of equipment or supplies, submit a Departmental Purchasing Request.

    • All purchases require prior approval. Check with department staff to confirm that you are following the university’s purchasing policies before making a purchase with university funds.
    • Please note that equipment over $500 must receive an inventory tag.  All equipment over $500 will be delivered to LAITS for setup and inventory tagging before being delivered to the department.  Inventoried equipment is property of the university, even if purchased with your own grant funds; you are required to return equipment to the department upon graduation or separation from the university.
    • You cannot be reimbursed for the purchase of computers, software, electronics, or office supplies.  These items must be purchased by the department on your behalf.  Please note that there is an extended delivery time for computers and printers.
    • Many purchases should be made by the department on your behalf, but occasionally it will be necessary for you to check out the departmental Procard to make a purchase. Do not write down or save the Procard information; you must check out the Procard for every individual purchase. If you use the Procard on a website, it is your responsibility to ensure that the website does not save the Procard in your account for future use.
    • If you check out the Procard to make a purchase, you are responsible for submitting the original receipt and for ensuring that sales tax is not charged on the purchase. If sales tax is charged, you will have to work with the vendor to get the tax refunded.
  • Entertainment and Meal Reinbursements

    Meals with Official Visitors

    • Entertainment expenses are limited to $100/person (including tax and gratuity).  Keep this limit in mind when choosing restaurants as it’s very easy to go over the limit at many venues.
    • Alcohol cannot be more than 50% of the event cost (before tax).  In other words, you can’t spend more on alcohol than on food. 
      • Expenses for alcohol may not be the primary expenditure, that is, greater than the total food expense.  Note: If multiple payment documents are submitted for the same event and alcohol is paid separately, then a copy of all backup documentation related to the event must be included to verify alcohol expense is not greater than food expense.
    • Gratuity cannot exceed 20% of the pre-tax amount.  
    • If you go over the $100 per person limit, the 50% alcohol cap, or the 20% tax limit, the Accounting Office will not reimburse the overage.  
    • To request reimbursement for a meal or entertainment expense, submit the receipt to the front desk ( along with a list of attendees and a brief description of the event.

    Other Entertainment Purchases 

    • If you are planning an event, check with department staff to determine the best way to arrange rooms, order food, and make any other arrangements.  Do not sign a contract with any vendor yourself; all contracts must be reviewed and signed by the Contracts Office.
    • If you are planning to use the Procard to make any purchases for your event, contact the front desk at least three business days before the purchase as we are required to obtain pre-approval from the college for all entertainment purchases on the Procard. If you check out the Procard to make a purchase, you are responsible for submitting the original receipt and for ensuring that sales tax is not charged on the purchase.  If sales tax is charged, you will have to work with the vendor to get the tax refunded.


    All reimbursement requests (travel, meals, or purchases) must be submitted and final approved within 60 days.  The Dean’s Office will no longer approve any late reimbursement requests.