College of Liberal Arts
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Prospective Students

What is an Internal Transfer?

An Internal Transfer is a student who is already admitted to the University of Texas at Austin but is declared in another major. Students who are transferring to UT from another institution should explore our Freshman and Transfer Admission page

All internal transfers into the IRG major will need to complete the Internal Transfer Application.

Students who have already completed a degree will NOT be considered for internal transfer admission.

Learn more about the IRG major

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 To be eligible for internal transfer into the IRG major as an undergraduate student you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA with at least 12 hours in residence taken for a letter grade.
  • Must have at least two of the following in progress or completed:
    • At least one foreign language course with a grade of C or higher
    • ECO 301 or ECO 304L or ECO 304K
    • GRG 305
    • ANT 302 or SOC 302
    • HIS 301J (22-24 Catalog only)
    • Area studies course: ANS, EUS, LAS, MES, REE, AFR (from approved list)
  • Must attend an internal transfer information session. 
    • You must RSVP at least 1 hour in advance of the meeting time. Zoom invitations will be sent out approximately 1 hour before the meeting time. Please only RSVP once for the time you have selected.
    • Upcoming Info Sessions are outlined in the next tab. All sessions will be held on Zoom.
    • If you have already attended one in a previous semester, please email if you plan to apply in the current semester. You do not have to attend again. 
    • There are no makeup sessions. Please arrange for your attendance.

The intent of the internal transfer information session is to enhance your understanding of IRG as a major at UT and therefore help you determine if IRG is the right major for you. Attendance at one of these information sessions is required prior to meeting with an IRG advisor. If you do not mark the attendance sheet, even if you did attend a session, you will be denied.

  • Students will be asked to write a short essay (less than 500 words) answering the following prompts:
    • Why is IRG the ideal major for you?
    • What academic topics are you interested in researching with our major?
    • How have your academic interestsand personal experiences prepared you to major in IRG?
  • 3rd years and 4th years need to prepare a grad plan including all of the IRG requirements to showcase their ability to graduate on time.
    • You should run a degree audit for IRG and any additional majors, minors, or certificates
    • Collect all of the class requirements into an excel doc
    • Set up each semester with all of the classes you are going to take until graduation.

Additional Considerations: 

  • Applications for the Spring admission will open on September 15th and close on December 1st. Applications for the Fall admission will open on February 1st and close on May 1st
  • Applications can be submitted online via the Internal Transfer Application.
  • Ability to graduate in four years is taken into account in the admissions decisions. If adding or changing your major to IRG will delay your four-year graduation, we may not admit you.
  • We will accept test and transfer credit for the course requirement. Transfer credit must already be transferred and posted in IDA. Courses taken pass/fail in Spring 2020 or COVID pass/fail in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 will count towards the coursework requirement.  

Applications for the Fall admission will open on February 1st and close on May 1st.

Applications can be submitted online via the Internal Transfer Application.



Friday, 01.31 @1PM

Tuesday, 02.18 @11AM

Monday, 03.10 @10AM

Thursday, 04.03 @2PM

Wednesday, 04.30 @4PM


Please do not RSVP for the same session more than once!

All Info Sessions will take place on Zoom. Zoom links will be sent out approximately 1 hour prior to Info Session. Because sessions tend to be less than an hour, students that arrive more than 10 minutes late will not be admitted. You will need to RSVP for a new info session.

If you have already attended an information session in a previous semester, please email if you plan to apply in the current semester. You do not have to attend again.

Please read the following FAQ. If you have a question that was not answered here then you may email us at


Q: I attended an info session on XZY date, but my application portal still says that attendance is pending, what should I do?

A: All attendance info is sent to the Internal Transfer Team after May 1st for the Spring and December 1st for the Fall. Time it takes for "Attendance" section of the Internal Transfer portal to update varies. If you filled out the QR code at the end of the info session, you do not need to take action at this time. Please do not email to get this updated.


Q: I forgot to sign the attendance at the end of the info session, but I was totally there, I promise.

A: If you spoke to us or asked a question then we may be able to remember your attendance. Otherwise, you will need to RSVP for and attend another info session.


Q: I can't attend any of the info sessions / none of the times work for me due to work and/or class, can I make up at some other time?

A: There are no makeup info sessions. In most cases, the info session will run less than the full hour, so please make time to attend.


Q: I attended an info session last semester, do I need to attend another?

A: As long as you previously signed the attendance form then you do not have to attend another session. We make a note for each student that attended an info session at any point in time.


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