Midsemester Deadline is Monday, October 23
Last day to Q-drop, pass/fail, or withdraw from all classes for the Fall 2023 semester is 5:00 pm CDT this Monday, October 23.
If you have concerns and have not been able to connect with an advisor, please do not wait. Reach out to the Peer Advisors in the Dean's Office now for more info. You may also wish to email your adivisor with more questions.

Reservation based appointments have resumed. See below for more information.
If you still need to update your schedule send us and email with the following:
Course number, Name of class, course unique number

JAN 13 - JAN 17
IRG will be hosting walk-in advising during the week of Monday, January 13 through Friday, January 17.
This time is to be utilized for Spring class changes and other immediate actions.
If you need to discuss Study Abroad or Long Term Planning, please set up an appointment for the following week.

Photo Credit.
How to Register for Classes
Add video description here.
Megan Conner and Julian Kadolph advise students on a wide variety of issues that include major and minor requirements and options, academic policy, core requirements, scholastic status, and petitions to the Dean.
Office Hours
The International Relations and Global Studies advising suite is located in RLP 1.216.
We are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to Noon, and 1:00 PM to 4:00 p.m.
Days that Academic Advisors are in office or remote may vary. Please review our calendars for in-person or online appointments.
- Am I in the Right Place?
- Internal Transfer Students
- Incoming Freshman or External Transfer Students
- Registration Advising
- Advising Appointments
If you are a current UT International Relations and Global Studies major, then this may be the right place! Though we may refer you to another campus resource for more detailed assistance, we're always eager to try to assist you as you navigate the university. That said, a few common concerns are handled primarily by other offices:
Texas One Stop: financial aid and billing; outgoing transcripts and certifications
Liberal Arts Career Services and Texas Career Engagement: career exploration, job search coaching, internship guidance, etc.
Liberal Arts Student Division: Q-drops, Withdrawals, Pass/Fail transactions; Graduation Applications and related items
To talk through your Q-drop, Withdrawal, and Pass/Fail options before visiting the Student Division, please make an appointment with us through the links in the next section.
For internal transfer information, please see our Prospective Students page.
Please do not sign up for an appointment prior to attending an info session.
If you have questions, please email
Welcome to the university!
We look forward to working with you. Your first advising step is to sign up for orientation through New Student Services. As part of your orientation, you’ll meet one-on-one with an Academic Advisor. Because your registration time is tied to your orientation session, there is no registration advantage to meeting with an advisor prior to orientation. Additionally, we will not be able to clear your Holds prior to Orientation.
If you have a pressing question, though, please feel free to send it to
Registration advising sessions are quick meetings to review your degree audit and discuss courses for the coming semester. Registration advising is only required for some IRG students so check your Registration Information Sheet to see if you have a bar. IRG students without a bar may also elect to meet with an advisor. If you currently are studying abroad, an IRG advisor will contact you via email with special instructions.
Please keep in mind that as an IRG major, you do not have "special" access to courses on the track lists. Please do not contact the offering departments for access. Restrictions may loosen during subsequent access periods.
More information on steps to prepare for registration can be found HERE.
To schedule an appointment, you can use the link below!
Please note: We only accept appontments and do not accept walk-ins, except during the first week of class.
Before you set up an appointment, have you visited the different pages on our website?
You may find the answers to your questions somewhere on our website.
IRG Academic Advising
Patton Hall (RLP) 1.216
Schedule an Appointment Here!
If you need to cancel an appointment, please do so using the same Bookings invitation you recieved via email. If you are attempting to cancel an appointment within 6 hours of the meeting time, please send an email to your advisor.
- Am I in the Right Place?
If you are a current UT International Relations and Global Studies major, then this may be the right place! Though we may refer you to another campus resource for more detailed assistance, we're always eager to try to assist you as you navigate the university. That said, a few common concerns are handled primarily by other offices:
- Texas One Stop: financial aid and billing; outgoing transcripts and certifications
- Liberal Arts Career Services and Texas Career Engagement: career exploration, job search coaching, internship guidance, etc.
- Liberal Arts Student Division: Q-drops, Withdrawals, Pass/Fail transactions; Graduation Applications and related items
To talk through your Q-drop, Withdrawal, and Pass/Fail options before visiting the Student Division, please make an appointment with us through the links in the next section.
- Internal Transfer Students
For internal transfer information, please see our Prospective Students page.
- Incoming Freshman or Transfer Students
Welcome to the university! We look forward to working with you. Your first advising step is to sign up for orientation through New Student Services. As part of your orientation, you’ll meet one-on-one with an Academic Advisor. Because your registration time is tied to your orientation session, there is no registration advantage to meeting with an advisor prior to orientation. If you have a pressing question, though, please feel free to send it to
- Registration Advising
Registration advising sessions are quick meetings to review your degree audit and discuss courses for the coming semester. Registration advising is only required for some IRG students so check your Registration Information Sheet to see if you have a bar. IRG students without a bar may also elect to meet with an advisor. If you currently are studying abroad, an IRG advisor will contact you via email with special instructions.
Please keep in mind that as an IRG major, you do not have "special" access to courses on the track lists. Please do not contact the offering departments for access. Restrictions may loosen during subsequent access periods.
More information on steps to prepare for registration can be found HERE.
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Incoming Freshman or Transfer Students
Welcome to the university!
We look forward to working with you. Your first advising step is to sign up for orientation through New Student Services. As part of your orientation, you’ll meet one-on-one with an Academic Advisor. Because your registration time is tied to your orientation session, there is no registration advantage to meeting with an advisor prior to orientation.
If you have a pressing question, though, please feel free to send it to

Advising Appointments
To schedule an appointment, you can use the link below, call us at (512) 232-6344, or stop by our office in RLP 1.216.
Please note: We only accept appontments and do not accept walk-ins, except during the first week of class.
IRG Academic Advising
Patton Hall (RLP) 1.216

*COVID-19 IMPACT ON ADVISING*Last updated: July 7, 2021
The International Relations & Global Studies program plans to resume some advising and in-person events in Fall 2021. Please review our following health and safety reminders when attending our meetings and events:
Masks & Social Distancing
All meetings, events and mass gatherings will transition to 100% occupancy beginning August 16, 2021. Note that routine cleaning is being performed by facilities staff members.
Masks are optional inside university buildings and outdoors. For individuals who are not fully vaccinated or who have weakened immune systems, optional masking is recommended inside university buildings.
Social distancing is optional for fully vaccinated individuals. Social distancing is recommended for individuals who are not fully vaccinated or who have weakened immune systems.
Mask-Wearing Best Practices
If you choose to wear a mask, be sure to:
- Make sure your recommended protective face mask covers both your nose and mouth.
- Take care when putting on and taking off your recommended protective face mask, washing hands after both.
- Wash your recommended protective face masks frequently.
Daily Symptom Screening
Daily symptom screening with the university’s Protect Texas Together app will be expected for all students, faculty, and staff coming to campus or living on campus. If you don’t have a smartphone, a phone-based application is also available. Guidance for Daily Symptom and Temperature Screening.
- If you are sick…
If you are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, we ask that you remain home and attend a virtual advising appointment or internal transfer information session. Remember that you able to schedule a test with University Health Services.
Should you become diagnosed with COVID-19 within 10 days of attending an event, notify IRG staff and/or event organizers to cooperate with contract tracing efforts. Attendees who are members of the UT community can report their positive test via the self-report form.
Special Circumstances
Students with special circumstances (non-ADA), including COVID-19 symptoms, should contact Student Emergency Services.
For more information on University policies regarding COVID-19, please visit the Protect Texas Together website.
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IRG Academic Advising
Patton Hall (RLP) 1.216