College of Liberal Arts
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College of Liberal Arts

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If you have a departmental need, please contact the front desk at 512-471-3211.
Links: Building Map (EID required)


Contact: Chrissy Lovell |
Emergency Contact: Facilities | 512-471-2020 | After hours: 512-471-0043

Please send cleaning and maintenance requests to Chrissy Lovell from M-F from 8am-5pm.  Please send a detailed email that includes your contact details and office number.

Purchases & Reimbursements

For details about purchases & reimbursements, please visit the following:

Visiting Guests (non-seminar speaker)

For details about visiting guests, who are not related to the seminar speaker schedule, please reach out to the department chair. For seminar speaker guests, please reach out to Kate Hardin

Please be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Guest's name and contact information
  • Dates of arrival/departure
  • Purpose of arrival (e.g. research, recruitment)
  • Miscellaneous needs: Does this person need parking, tech, etc.?
College of Liberal Arts

This caption describes the image above.

Department Request Forms

Links: Conference Requests | Copy & Print Requests | Make-up Exam & Room Reservation Requests | Request Proctor

PhD Request Forms

Links: PhD Print Requests | TA Room ReservationsTravel Authorization Requests

Department Server-Gizmo Access

The department provides access to free software packages such as Stata, Matlab, and R via the gizmo server.  If you would like to request access, please go to the Gizmo Request Form page. 

College of Liberal Arts

This caption describes the image above.

Liberal Arts Technology

Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services (LAITS) provides support for all faculty and staff in the College of Liberal Arts for UT-owned equipment. LAITS may be contacted Monday-Friday, 7am-6pm.

Contact: LAITS | 512-471-5000 |