College of Liberal Arts
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Waggener Hall

College of Liberal Arts

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Historic Waggener Hall, named for the University's first President, Leslie Waggener, houses the Classics Department at the University of Texas as well as several of its research units. The front entrance of the building was constructed in 1931 as a part of the original cluster designed by Paul Cret.

The aerial view from the Main Building (aka the UT Tower) emphasizes the renaissance symmetry of Waggener Hall. However, up close our building does not lack refined details such as the splendid, enormous open-work lanterns and the classically-inspired frieze featuring Texas agricultural and manufacturing products; these include the relief of three bees which we use in the footer of our departmental webpages.  Aside from such high-tech improvements as the building's ethernet and wireless networks, the multi-media classroom consoles, and of course air conditioning, Waggener Hall remains largely unspoiled -- the hardwood floors, high ceilings and large windows preserve the feeling of well-worn tradition.

The Classics Department's main administrative office is located in Room 123 on the first floor. Next to the office is the sunny Lounge, which hosts department meetings and colloquia. The ground floor of Waggener Hall houses the Classics Library and its annex, the Visual Resources Collection, the Institute of Classical Archaeology, and the office of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory. Our neighbor on the third and fourth floors is the Philosophy Department.